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Editor's Note / Issue 2

Spirit, the feeling that something is buzzing in the air around us, an extra bounce in the steps we take, a collection of wider smiles, fills the halls of UAHS this week. There is a sense of excitement, anticipation and energy in the student body, fueled by Student Council’s annual Spirit Week and plans for Saturday night’s Homecoming Dance.

In this issue, Arlingtonian staff dives deeper into the spirit of our school. As the year progresses, we are getting to know one another and all that makes us unique—from our differences in belief on page 10, to our expressions of opinion on page 16. When stories cover matters of this weight, our writers’ jobs are more difficult. There is more research. There are more interviews. There are more times when we take steps back to remind ourselves of our angle and our story’s purpose. There are fewer respondents and fewer people who feel confident enough to talk to us. The stories produced in this issue brought out the closeted spirit in all of us; the staff was forced to reflect on our own morals and character while investigating the buzz of spirit and spirituality at UAHS.

I am proud of our staff who have pushed through feelings of frustration, excitement and success, channeling a spirited mindset these past three weeks in preparation for the issue you hold between your hands. We hope it accurately captures the spirit of issues and events relevant to our community while sparking reflection and debate surrounding big questions. Happy Spirit Week and happy Homecoming, Bears.


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©2018 by Molly Mitchell. Proudly created with for an Arlingtonian assignment.

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