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In this past semester, I have worked diligently as the features editor for Arlingtonian. After going to the JEA Convention in Chicago this fall, I have been inspired and ready to make Arlingtonian as awesome as professional as award-winning publications.

Since the beginning sophomore year, I have made strides in my work ethic and overall drive for success of ARL. I work with other members of the staff in order to create a quality product especially, by designing pages of layout for each issue.

My work, although often not very cutthroat journalistic reporting, does have an impact on my community. Specifically, my "Running the Race" feature dispersed talk throughout the halls of UAHS on its publication date. This same story reminded me of the importance of giving voice to students that need support and aren't heard.

Next semester I want to work on the variety of my work. I often write features and want to step outside by focusing on the sports section or writing a staff editorial.


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©2018 by Molly Mitchell. Proudly created with for an Arlingtonian assignment.

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